Saturday, June 6, 2009


beautiful within and without
light cannot exists or permeate.
par rousing on the very verge of
possibility what a created mind can
grasp for its soul. losing is nothing
not even but just to imagine without
knowledge sprang forth from an eternity
the gift of a blue marble after falling from the skies.
withheld now the sight of his majesty's most magnificent
collection the cannot be so judge but merely unanimously agreed upon.
emotional crush
toxique grown to my head
you wouldn't believe the things
I've seen how long I've been before
the butter on your bread. slowly now
crawling moment is barley visible, and for
want but need we march past, later than later,
quite soon; our black flags. Justice is on the rise,
discourse is now the drawn, and to the slaughter
home shall be theirs, truly. bruised and battered they
go back to the ones they know they hold the key for
what's locked in the lies, and no ones told the code before.

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